Medication Review

We review medication on a repeat prescription at least annually to ensure that you are on the most appropriate and safe treatment. Wherever possible the doctor will do this without you having to attend the surgery however, other tests may be required. Without up to date information we may need to shorten your medication supply, however, we will never stop your medication without contacting you.

If you have been advised by the surgery that your medication review is due, please complete the form below. If further information is required, we will contact you.

Medication Review

Do you have any concerns or side effects from your medication?  
Do you know when and how to take your medication?  

Please speak to a Pharmacist or a GP to discuss when and how you should take your medication.

Do you know your current weight and/or a recent blood pressure?  
Are you happy for the doctor to update your review date now? *  
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory